The Man in Red Heels

I found this art on a reddit page.   do support this artist.

It began when I was born,

and I'd envy those with dolls

Instead, toy cars, I'd sworn,

to amuse in along with brawls.

I'd watch her adorned in elegant apparel,

and sauntered around with approvals

Seldom I'd yearn to be her,

but even she was confined in society's spur.

So, I spent my childhood in wonder,

"who am I?" I'd ponder

Until one day I wore a skirt and heels

and restricted my squeals.

They questioned my sexuality,

doubted my masculinity

"Be a Man," they said,

I responded;

"tell that to the man she wed."

And so began the incompetent evaluations,

regardless, I wore cosmetics

I earned standing ovations

yet some considered it 'theatrics.'

The world is a dark place,

so I can cower or walk with grace

Who I was would invite challenges to face,

but I'd rather that than identity to chase.


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